Sunday, March 27, 2005

haha okae this's to all of you out there whos depressed? yupp and my good fren too! you noe who you are yarh?..cheer up! and i saw i rainbow todae and it was like a lttle miracle sort of thing. its soo super nice. so morale of the story..after the rain there're be a rainbow. so no matter how tough things are..dun give up! cos if you'll nvr see that little miracle that nature gave to us okae?
jus ended this phone call with yarh you noe who yo u are rite..made me think so much. hahah i understand how u r feeling but i dont understand why u r doing this to yourself. its like theres so much in life thats waiting for us ton learn to discover to know to experience to many people you can meet so many stuff to do..dun waste time being depressed! its like wasting your time away..whyn dont you jus use that time to be happiee? to make your life more eh interesting? make memories..well dont wait for pple do things for yourself! like dont wait for pple to come along and make you make yourself happier..dont tie yourself to others..dont give ure life's remote control to one can affect you with out ure permission. its your life. do wadeva you want with it. do anything to make it one worth living. haha yarh? i dunno if im making sense to you but yupps..think it through. =)

and rmbr..i saw i rainbow todae!

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