Tuesday, August 01, 2006

was reading blogs and came across jeans..relised how shallow i am most of the time how we re being pulled down and clipped on by such bad stuff and greed that we re not allowed to fly be who we re really meant to be. im not a christain but even in non-christian terms i think you can see like how we are always going after things that dont really matter and in the end theres no point cos when you die nothign gets left behind..unlike love and friendships which will live on long after youre gone adn perhaps even leave a legacy. saw bev's blog too. leaving smth meaningful behind. wow. i want to leave smth behind, i dont know like whereever i go i dont jus wanna come and go. and love's like the most powerful hting on earth.

i love the scpb. why is it only when we re leaving that we find things so precious and appreciate love them so much more. why cant we always appreciate wad we re give. i ve never loved scpb as much as i do since fri since our practice for mrsphuas farewell and i dont know, its so little time left and why cant i start from my dayone as prefect again theres so much i wanna do. why is it that ppl are only told how much theyre loved only when theyre leaving. i dont know. i didnt know theres actually a bond b/w the board and me till like now. so much concern frm fellow prefects that almost everyday since ms kim asked me, i get moved by encouragements affirmations letters words frm them. its really hard to tel them enough how much i appreciate it all. i dont know its jus like amazing. why didnt you ppl made me rellise youall are this amazing? i love scpb cos you all made me see once again what i no longer see in redcross.

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