Monday, March 08, 2010

Go awayy

One day I'll run far far away. One day you'll wake up and find that I'm no longer there. I don't wanna be your daughter anymore. After that day, I hope to be far away enough, safe enough, to think you're just a bad dream. I'll marry a good boy and set up a good family. But even then, I know I'll have to live the rest of my adult life being seen as a bad daughter. And at the back of my head, the thought of retribution will haunt me.

I have good reasons to believe I'm only thinking, only rambling on here. I've no guts, no guts at all to do what I wanna do. Especially if it's wrong.

Even if I do everything well and everything right, I know you'll still make me feel small and worthless. So I'll won't even try. I really wanna get away from you.


Lianne said...

John 10:10

jesus says:

the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy [all hope, joy], but I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.

He has abundant grace, blessings, and hope for you. Cheer up munch! Receive his grace. :)

Unknown said...

hello jane i know that too, but sometimes its hard to extend the same kind of grace He extends to us to others:(