Friday, April 15, 2005

have you ever felt that you have everything you've wanted but that emptiness still seems to linger there? you dun noe wads wrong but smthg jus doesnt seemt o be in place? it feels weird and really erm reallyreally weird feeling. confusing. like why isnt things as nice as they can be. and like why even when you really put in all your efforts but it still seems out of reach. why even when you reach where you wanna go that heavy feeling still wont go away? why always seems to be nothing noone nowhere when we seems to need them most? why putting in efforts is so tirng and so discouragin when reward are not there? why isnt there a place to go when you get so tired of life ans jus need a little really clean break off to be able to bounce basck again? gahh whys life so complicated and cheem and so mahfan.

anyways got back lots of results stuff this week. like i dunno how many but rmbred most of them were diappointments. oh and got back promos stuff too. plus that footdrill result days ago. promos were okae larh probably cos most of us dint do well then its easier to not feel so out can tong gan gong ku hahahha. hahah ohman footdrill arh very funny leh haha its not supposed to be funny but ohwells i was ultra jigh that day so it seems super funny. hahah have you seen ppl test can pass re-test must fail one? and fail nemind larh must fail like so funny mark somemore hahahahhah. ate so much chocs todae cos they gave so much chocs!!!! like whoaa huimin mm and sweegeok mm gave us loads of chocs then fd lesson we were like passing them all around sharing everyone ate so much! haha fun. eat until this bigbig pile of wrappers appear on the table. rck haha wad did we do? oh yarh we were eating also! ithink. then they did footdrill. then we talked so much. then the cheese thing..their lame invention hahahaah.

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