Monday, August 15, 2005

haha yeah anknowledgements to woo E-HUI who was nicee enough to help me upload.=)

Sunday, August 07, 2005


after tomorrow, everything will change .just like last year. for the better or the worse?
ncos wont be there anymore.
sec3s will take overas ncos.
WE will become sec3s.
sec1s will become sec2s.

its scary larh..poc04 seems like jus last week kind of did time mangage to fly so fast without my noticing it? will next year pass as fast too? then the next then whooosh we're out of redcross..abit the early larh but hmphh time flies. its scary..its scary when things changes just whe you think you can cope with it..then it just keeps on changing and changing and changing. but i wanna cling on to those times..those times last year which are longlong gone. can i freeze time? it'llbe'll be the best machine on planet earth!