Friday, June 30, 2006

if i tell you
it gives me all that i truly cherish now
and that it really is
my life
will you still say that im
taking it too strongly?
just when you learn to
accept respect appreciate
its too late
a little too late

Saturday, June 17, 2006

im not supposed to be blogging. but anw.

theres nothing wrong with me so yes you ppl can stop asking if im okay cos yupp, im sure i am. and thankyou for all those concerns, all my frens before i left for uk all those whom i talked to. it really helped. and all those nice ppl during uk trip. hahaha cant imagine my world without friends, like walking a tightrope with no support.

im alright, jus need time to recover and find myself and start yakking away nonstop again.

yet-who the world am i?

this is my favorite colour. say yeah. hahaha.