Saturday, October 16, 2010

You give and take away

Life has been too good to me. God has showered me with blessings after blessings, I'm overwhelmed, I'm grateful, and 'happy' is an understatement. From the academics, to relationships, to 101 other things, You have been good to me.

And that's why I'm afraid. I've seen my prayers being answered, one by one. I've been seeing the blessings come one after and another, but whenever i thank God, I'm also dying to ask, 'When are You gonna take this away?' I know trials will come, I know our faith will be put to test, I know He refines and moulds His children by putting them through the fire. I know, just as He freely gives, He can also freely take away. I feel like I'm bracing myself, everyday, for that moment where everything will start tumbling downhill. That 'Job moment' where everything will be taken away, and we will learnt to praise His name in spite of everything.

There are 3 things I hold closest to my heart: studies, friends and him. In no particular order. I really don't know what I'll do if any of the 3 are taken away? And I'm frightened, all the time. Especially now when everything is still new and exciting, where I know we're going through the honeymoon period where we can spend hours and hours on the phone, and he'll still willingly send me home all the time. When will novelty gives way to mundaneness, what happens? It just scares me immensely, that one day things won't be the same anymore. Have we been wearing rose-tinted glasses? Will we really get bored of this one day? What if it's not Your plan for this to happen?

I don't know, I don't know, and I feel so silly sometimes worrying and thinking so much, but it's running and running through my head, and it needs a place to settle, so here it'll belong. I'll trust God. Trust that just as He has brought us through the highs, He'll bring us through the lows as well.

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